Technologies used - Node.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, and CSS. Developed two versions of ticket booking website to search and book tickets for events in USA and Europe. Both versions of website are used to look up different genres of events (like sports, music etc.) and allows user to book tickets via Ticketmaster website -Project1 and Project2. Used REST API’s to get data for events.
Technologies used - Swift, REST APIs and Node.js as backend. It is the App version of abovementioned ticket booking website. I leveraged Ticketmaster, Spotify, Songkick, GCP and geolocation APIs for Event Search App. Video for app. The Event Search app and website can be used in real life to book events.
Technologies utilized - PHP, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript and CSS. It allows user to login and upload some interesting moments of life in audio/text accessible to other users - Link.
Technologies used - Java and crawler4j. Crawled the Mercury News website using crawler4j to make a report of links on website and content type of pages and total number of fetches succeeded and failed. I crawled 20,000 pages.
Technologies Used - Java, Python, Apache Tika and Solr. Created basic search engine using Solr and added autocomplete, spell-correction and snippet generation. Utilized Apache Tika to parse web pages to create a list of words required for spell correction. Configured suggest features in Solr for auto-completion. Used NetworkX library in Python to determine page rank.
Technologies Used - Blueprints (Unreal Engine 4) and C++. The game plot requires user to traverse through a maze with obstacles (such as AI) and gather power-ups to kill main antagonist Video.
Deployed a Human Life Detection in Natural Calamity bot using Arduino Uno microcontroller and PIR Sensor. Human Life Detection project was a prototype to be deployed in Natural Calamities to save human and animal lives.
Love coding and soccer as much as I do? Let's discuss about some new ideas and about soccer.