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Excellent electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of chemically reduced graphitic oxide paper at 101 GHz

Graphitic oxide (GO) was synthesized by oxidation of graphite powder using Hummer’s method and the formed GO is solution processed into paper-like macroscopic form. Subsequently, chemically reduced graphitic oxide paper (CRGOP) is prepared by hydrazine vapours induced reduction of formed GO precursor based paper. The formation of GO and its successful reduction to RGO phase is confirmed by FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It has been observed that due to high electrical conductivity ~200 micron thick CRGOP display excellent EMI shielding performance at very high frequency of 101 GHz frequency with total shielding effectiveness (SE) value of −35.49 dB (i.e. greater than 99.97% blocking of incident EM radiation) which is much higher compared to pristine GO paper (−1.55 dB) or comparable to expanded graphite (EG) sheet (−35.61 dB). Due to their lightweight nature, these freestanding CRGOPs display average specific SE value of −221.8 dB cm3/g. Besides, their excellent flexibility and makes them potential candidate for lightweight EMI gasketing material compared to other forms of flexible carbons like EG.

Computational Analysis of Edge Detection Operators

Edge detection is a fundamental tool in Digital Image Processing. It is widely used for image segmentation in the areas such as image processing, computer vision, and machine vision, particularly for feature detection and feature extraction. Edge detectors are used as pre-processing tools in computer vision that makes image segregation and pattern recognition more comfortable. Many edge detectors are available for pre-processing in computer vision but Canny, Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts and Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) are among the most applied algorithms. In this paper, each of these algorithms is compared by the manner of comparing the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the resulting images. Together with PSNR and MSE, time required by each algorithm is also computed to compare these algorithms. The experiment is performed and evaluated on MATLAB. The performance of canny operator is found to be best amongst all the edge detection operators compared in this paper.

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